Why to Choose React JS?
There are several reasons that motivate React’s choice as a frontend development library.
Facebook and the entire React JS team have demonstrated the commitment to enhancing ReactJS efficiency. This is crucial to weather the fast emerging competition from other frameworks such as Vue.js. Some of the things to expect in future releases include;
Easy integration
- Easy integration
- Libraries and growing communities
- Virtual DOM
- Unidirectional data flow (one-way data binding)
- Sharing the code between client and server
Easy integration
- Being a library and not a framework dedicated to the development of web applications, React can also be integrated into existing projects for the development of targeted parts.
- Its use is also independent of the technological stack of the project. Feel free to talk to our hire reactjs developer for integration purposes.
Libraries and growing communities
- It offers integrative modules for routing management, application status, testing and a host of ready-to-use libraries to cope with the most common problems and needs.
- React boasts in fact a large and active community of developers and counts among the user companies prestigious names such as AirBnB, Netflix, Paypal, Uber, Reddit, Asana, etc.
Virtual DOM
- It is an abstraction in memory of the components of the UI. It offers efficient management of changes in the DOM. Thanks to the selective rendering of sub-trees of the DOM at each change of state.
- For this purpose it uses an algorithm that allows it to identify only the parts that are subject to this change.
- It is an optional markup similar to HTML. It allows the declarative description of the interface by combining the ease of writing views with the power of JavaScript.
- This syntax is intended to be used by Transmitters (e.g. Babel) to transform JSX markup (found in JavaScript files) into standard JavaScript objects.
- Unlike in the past, instead of writing JavaScript in HTML, JSX allows us to insert HTML in JavaScript!
Unidirectional data flow (one-way data binding)
- It avoids the complexity of the two-way data binding by defining a flow of mono directional data (parent-child) and a precise hierarchy of communication.
Sharing the code between client and server
- Unlike other client-side libraries, React is an isomorphic library. This property allows the pages to be rendered also on the server-side, thus sending the HTML to the browser which represents the initial state of the application.
- This guarantees versatility but at the same time that the application is SEO friendly.
To Conclude
- The advantage in using React JS is made more evident when the complexity of the application grows. Once learned, it can be used in many types of projects, from the development of web apps to mobile and desktop.
- Finally, if integrated with a Redux, it can manage a centralized data store and the writing of applications that behave in a coherent and easy way to test.
I hope nothing more was needed than this to understand How the Future of React JS will be?
Happy Learning!!