Famous Apps Using ReactJS Nowadays

Major apps like Facebook, Instagram, Netflix and others are constantly improving their experience and adapting to new frameworks and trends.

As of recently, there is a big word of mouth going around ReactJS and its impressive features.


Why do internet giants use ReactJS?


Although partially, Facebook is making use of ReactJS. Their webpage is built with React, as the script that is blended in the application code. The mobile app is also build with a version of React called React Native which is similar, although responsible for displaying the iOS and Android native components instead of the DOM elements.


The use of ReactJS within Instagram is huge. A proof for that are the numerous features including the geolocations, Google Maps APIs, search engine accuracy as well as tags that pop out without hashtags. IT is all there in the API of the app – and is really impressive.

 New York Times

A couple of months ago, New York Times has designed a great new project that simulates different looks of stars on Oscar red carpet. Obviously, this project’s interface was built in React and lets users filter the gallery of different photos from 19 years in a nice way. The re-rendering on this project is only one of the impressive features we can thank ReactJS for.


Although there were several betas before it was officially launched, the WhatsApp uses ReactJSfor building user interfaces from Facebook, just like it uses Underscore.js and Velocity.js as some of its most efficient engines.
As of recently, the all-new WhatsApp Web app has also been using React, just like the Facebook web experience mentioned above.


Dropbox has switched to ReactJS over a year ago. Just at the time when React became very popular amongst app developers.

It is time to shift your career from React JS Developer

  • Contact the training institute directly and book a free demo session with the trainer before joining the session.
From my own survey, I like to suggest Credo Systemz as the Best React JS Training Institute in Chennai with their course content, trainer experience, reviews and the real-time projects they include in the training program.

All The Best!

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